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Academic Internships at the Abba Eban Institute

The Abba Eban Institute for Diplomacy and Foreign Relations offers several academic internship programs for passionate students and young professionals who are considering a career in Diplomacy, Strategy, International Relations, and their interaction with the media.

Our internships provide students with an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of foreign policy issues, gain hands-on experience, and get an insider's view of the fascinating world of diplomacy. The internship programs offer students from Israel and abroad a chance to work closely with leading professionals in the field and participate in a range of workshops, tours, and lectures.


2020-21 AEI annual interns at our end-of-year event, June 2021 (Photo: Gital Press)

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If you’re passionate about international diplomacy, you are sure to find a program that suits your interests and skills


 Internship program objectives

Introducing students, young professionals and/or academics to the field of innovative diplomacy; familiarizing them with Israel’s foreign policy and diplomatic practices; providing them with a meaningful, hands-on working experience; and helping them acquire research skills and additional proficiencies for studying and working in the field.

Our program supports Reichman University’s official mission statement – to identify, educate, and train the leaders of tomorrow.

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Internship Opportunities

We offer internship positions in the following programs:

Which internship program are you interested in?

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Annual academic internships for RUNI students

The Institute’s annual internship program is open to a select group of excellent graduate and undergraduate students from Reichman University, who apply at the beginning of each academic year. Interns join one of the Institute’s programs, and throughout the academic year gain knowledge and experience in matters relating to diplomacy and foreign affairs and actively participate in professional workshops and events held by the Institute.

If they have not previously completed an accredited internship, students can choose to intern for 2 academic credits, subject to approval by their academic track coordinators. Alternatively, they may opt to participate in the program as a non-credit internship.

Internship period: A full academic year

General requirements:

  • Registered undergraduate students (3rd or 4th year) and graduate students from all Reichman University schools.

  • Excellent research skills.

  • Deep knowledge and understanding of current affairs, global trends, and international diplomacy.

  • High-level English fluency.

  • Commitment to 6-8 weekly work hours; available for work during both fall and spring semesters.

  • Mandatory and active participation in all group meetings and workshops during the year.

Additional requirements for interns under the “The Arena” Magazine:

  • Media and journalistic affinity (previous experience is an advantage).

  • Passion for academic, journalistic and/or literary editing, and copywriting.

Suitable candidates will be invited to an interview with our staff shortly after the submission deadline, and may also be asked to complete a task relevant to their desired position. Admission to the program will be decided based on availability and the candidate’s skills and merit.

Please find all necessary details in our AY2023-24 Call for Applications (PDF).

For useful tips on how to apply, download this PDF...

Applications for AY2024-25 will open in late October.

Annual internships for IDC students
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Summer academic internships for international students

Our summer internship program draws students from leading American and European universities via the "ONWARD Israel" program. Prospective candidates can request their ONWARD coordinator get in touch with the Abba Eban Institute and apply for an internship position.


Internship period: June to August (depending on the Onward program)

General requirements:

  • Excellent research skills.

  • Fluent English.

  • Applicants must have completed, or be near the completion of, their 2nd year of undergraduate studies, or higher.

  • Commitment to 35-40 weekly work hours (except for days with extracurricular activities, as dictated by the Onward program).

  • Mandatory participation in group meetings and workshops during the internship period.

Additional Requirements for interns under the “The Arena” Magazine and the Media Operations desk:

  • Media and journalistic affinity (previous experience is an advantage)

  • Passion for academic, journalistic and/or literary editing and copywriting

Applicants are required to send their CV, a cover letter explaining their interest in the Institute, and an academic writing sample. Suitable candidates will be invited for a virtual interview (via Zoom) with the Institute’s staff.


For further details, please download PDF

Note: Applications open from February to early May (currently closed).

For more information on the various ONWARD programs, please visit:

Summer internships for international students
Individual internships/fellowships
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Individual internships/fellowships

The Abba Eban Institute occasionally accepts internship applications from outstanding academics and/or professionals who specialize in fields of expertise relevant to the Institute’s work.

If you wish to apply for an individual internship, you must:

  • Submit a CV, a cover letter, and an academic writing sample (as described above).

  • Hold an undergraduate degree (or be finished with his/her studies by the beginning of the internship), or higher.

  • Have spoken in advance to the head of the program you wish to intern with, and agreed with him/her on the position’s requirements and your expected work schedule.

  • Be willing to commit to a minimum 4-month work period.

Additional Requirements for interns under the “The Arena” Magazine and the Media Operations desk:

  • Media and journalistic affinity (previous experience is an advantage)

  • Passion for academic, journalistic and/or literary editing and copywriting

The application will be weighed against the Institute’s needs, its current vacancies, and the applicant’s interests and qualifications.

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For all inquiries regarding internship programs, please contact: 

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Oded Raanan

Internship programs manager

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